17th China Goes Global Conference

July 11-13,  2023 

From 11-13 July 2023, Professor Bersick participated in the 17th China Goes Global conference in Bologna, co-organized by the University of Macerata. The conference was co-organized by Francesca Spigarelli of the Università degli Studi di Macerata which is a partner of the Centre for EU-Asia Connectivity (CEAC) at the Department of International Political Economy of East Asia (RUB). 

China Goes Global Conference provides since 2006 a platform for exchange and in-depth contributions on China´s role in the internationalization of its business environment, politics, and societal matters. During this year’s conference, Prof. Bersick presented his chapter “Chinese Involvement in North European Seaports: The Cases of Belgium and Germany“ just published with Routledge.



Among the co-presenters there were Jean-Marc F. Blanchard (Mr. & Mrs. S.H. Wong Center for the Study of Multinational Corporations), Kirsten Kaarre Jensen (University of London), David Styan (University of London), Francesca Spigarelli (CGA, China Center – University of University of Macerata and CiMET), and Dominique Lepore (China Center – University of Macerata and CiMET).