Prof. Dr. Sunghoon Park

Executive Director of the EU Centre
Korea University, Republic of Korea

Prof. Dr. Sunghoon Park is a Professor and Executive Director of the EU Centre at Korea University Seoul. He hosts a Jean Monnet Chair. He earned his PhD in Economics from Technical University of Berlin, Germany in 1993. He has held prestigious visiting professorships at internationally recognized universities and think tanks, such as the Korean Institute of International Economic Policy (KIEP), the Macau Institute of European Studies, Ritsumeikan University, ASEF University, UC San Diego, the University of Canterbury (New Zealand), and Vienna University. Additionally, he has previously served as President of the European Union Studies Association of Korea (EUSA-Korea), the European Union Studies Association Asia Pacific (EUSAAP), and the Korean-German Academy of Economics and Management (KDGW). He is widely recognized for his research activities about issues of international trade and investment policy (WTO rules), European and Asian economic integration, and Korea’s external economic policies. He is the author of a number of publications, among those 17 books (single-authored, co-authored and edited volumes), as well as more than one hundred articles. In addition to his distinguished career in research, Prof. Park has provided policy advisory services to the Korean government and the APEC secretariat for the past 25 years.