Prof. Dr. Werner Pascha
University of Duisburg-Essen
Prof. Dr. Werner Pascha is an Emeritus Professor of East Asian Economic Studies, Japan and Korea, and an Associate Member of the Institute of East Asian Studies (IN-EAST) of the University of Duisburg-Essen. He has studied economics at Freiburg University in Germany, the London School of Economics, and Nagoya University. Over the years, he has been invited to several other institutes and universities, including Kyoto University (Japan Foundation Fellowship, 1996), Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP Scholarship, 2007), Doshisha University (JSPS Fellowship, 2011), and Busan National University in South Korea (2013). Among other functions, he is the Vice President of the Japanese-German Centre Berlin (JDZB) and an Honorary Fellow of EastAsiaNet, the European Research School Network of Contemporary East Asian Studies. His research interests include the political economy of institutional change in Japan and Korea, and international economic relations of the region.