Media Hub
All our communication in one place – events, publications, videos and much more
CEAC functions as a communication platform for information sharing and dialogue, as well as on-line and off-line interactions. It engages with students, researchers, policymakers, and the civil society through various communication channels, including social media, newsletter, and academic publications.
2023 Youth Innovation Competition on Global Governance (YICGG2023)
YICGG2023 took place in Dali, China. Mrs. Paulo participated as a judge.
Renewed Cooperation Between EAS and SIRPA
The Faculty of East Asian Studies (EAS) at RUB and the School of International Relations and Public Affairs (SIRPA) at Fudan University renewed MoU.
China Goes Global Conference
Prof. Bersick participated in the 17th China Goes Global conference in Bologna, co-organized by the University of Macerata.
AESCON3: Shaping Asia-Europe Pathways for Human-centric and Resilient Digital Connectivity
Mrs. Mireia Paulo participated at the AESCON3 organised by the E
University of Macerata (UniMC) in Italy partnership
The Centre for EU-Asia Connectivity (CEAC) and – Westminster International University in Tashkent (WIUT) announce partnership
CEAC at the EUIA2023 Conference in Brussels
The Centre for EU-Asia Connectivity (CEAC) participated in the EUIA23 in Brussels, 3-5 May 2023.
CEAC and the Comenius Centre Educatiu announce partnership
The Centre for EU-Asia Connectivity (CEAC) and the Comenius Centre Educatiu announce partnership
Westminster International University in Tashkent (WIUT) partnership
The Centre for EU-Asia Connectivity (CEAC) and – Westminster International University in Tashkent (WIUT) announce partnership
Jean Monnet Lecture series on eu-asia connectivity
'EU-Asia Connectivity: Concepts, Contexts and Contestations' Lecture by Prof. Sebastian Bersick, RUB
50:56'Europe and the Indo-Pacific Strategy: Connectivity at its Core?' Lecture by M.Reiterer, EU Amb ret.
1:05:04The EU-India Connectivity Partnership: Challenges and Prospects to Strategic Cooperation. Prof Salma
1:05:29Ms. Romana Vlahutin, Ambassador-at-Large for Connectivity, European External Action Service (EEAS). “The EU-Asia Connectivity Strategy: Sustainable and Digital Transformations”
Dr. Bates Gill, Executive Director, Asia Society Policy Institute’s Center for China Analysis. “The European Union and Asia in a Changing Global Environment”
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Bersick, CEAC’s Director, Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB). “EU-Asia Connectivity: Concepts, Contexts and Contestations”
Prof. Dr. Michael Reiterer, EU Ambassador ret. “Europe and the Indo-Pacific Strategy: Connectivity at its Core?”
Prof. Dr. Ummu Salma Bava, Centre for European Studies, SIS, Jawaharlal Nehru University. “The EU-India Connectivity Partnership: Challenges and Prospects to Strategic Cooperations”
Prof. Dr. Zhang Xiaotong, Fudan University. “The Current State of China-EU Relations and Europe-Asia Connectivity”
Ms. Shada Islam, Managing Director at New Horizons Project, Geopolitical Strategy Advisor and Analysist. “EU-Asia Connectivity: Chaos, Competition or Cooperation?”
Prof. Anna Michalski, Associate Professor in Political Science at the Department of Government, Uppsala University. “EU-Asia: Shaping a new world order through connectivity?”
Prof. Dr. Sven Biscop, Ghent University and Director of the Europe in the World Programme at the Egmont–Royal Institute. “Grand Strategy, European Security and Asia’s Role”
CEAC Presentation and Activities Report 2022–2024
- Gottwald, J-C. and Taube, M. (2024). Education and Connectivity: China’s Li’an International Education Innovation Pilot Zone. CEAC Policy Brief Series, Issue No. 2024-1, December.
- Palit, A. (2024). IMEC: A New Option to the Suez Canal and Asia-Europe Connectivity. CEAC Policy Brief Series, Issue No. 2024-2, December.
- Ismanjanov, A. (2024). Objectives and Prospects in Central Asia – EU Connectivity: Challenges and New Developments. CEAC Policy Brief Series, Issue No. 2024-3, December.
- Szunomár, A. (2024). Chinese investments into the electric vehicle industry in the Visegrád Four. CEAC Policy Brief Series, Issue No. 2024-4, December.
- Li, Y. (2024). Transport Security and EU-China relations. CEAC Policy Brief Series, Issue No. 2024-5, December.
- Gündoğan, I. (2024). EU-China Sport Diplomacy. CEAC Policy Brief Series, Issue No. 2024-6, December.
- Workshop Report. 2024. “EU Responses to Chinese Investments in European Strategic Sectors.” CEAC – CHERN. April.
Chinese Involvement in North European Seaports: The Cases of Belgium and Germany”, in: Jean-Marc Blanchard (ed.) (2023), Chinese overseas ports in Europe and the Americas: Understanding Smooth and Turbulent Seas, Routledge: Abingdon, pp. 70-92.
⇒ Book description and acquisition here.
Prior 2022
- Bersick, B. and Paulo, M. (2021). China, the EU, and Connectivity. Organised by The European-Asian Research Network on Strategies for Promoting Europe-Asia Connectivity (SPEAC). 17 May. Available online.
- Paulo, M. & Dekker, B. (2021). Fragmented Global Data Governance: the Role of China, the EU, and the US. CHERN Policy Brief. Issue 2. December. Available online.
- Bersick, S. (2019). “East Asia and the European Union: Partners in Global Economic Governance”, in: East Asia Community Review, Special Issue.
- Bersick, S. (2018). “The political context: ASEM – (more than?) a forum of dialogue between Asia and Europe”, Bonn, pp. 19-27.
- Bersick, S. and Schwerbrock, J. (2018). “The political context: ASEM – (more than?) a forum of dialogue between Asia and Europe”, in: Angress, A. and Wuttig, S. (eds.), ASEM Education Process – Looking back, looking ahead, Bonn.
- Paulo, M. (2018). China-Europe Investment Cooperation: A Digital Silk Road. In: Y. Cheng, L. Song and L. Huang, eds. The Belt & Road Initiative in the Global Arena. Singapore: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 177-204. Available online
- Bersick, S. (2017). “Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM)”, in: Staatslexikon Bd. 1, Görres Gesellschaft and Verlag Herder (eds.) pp. 1324-1326.
- Andréosso-O’Callaghan, B., Bersick, S., and Jaussaud, J. (2016). “Introduction”, The Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 36, No. 2 [Online]. Available here.
- Andréosso-O’Callaghan, B., Bersick, S., und Jaussaud, J. (2016). Asia-EU relations – MNEs’ responses to an uncertain global business environment, Nr. 2.
- Bersick, S., Christou, G. und S. Yi, S. (2016). “Cybersecurity and EU-China Relations,” in Kirchner, C. and Dorussen (eds.) (2016). Security Relations between China and the European Union: From Convergence to Cooperation?. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 167-186. doi: 10.1017/cbo9781316563243.010.
- Harnisch, S., Bersick, S. and Gottwald, J.-C. (2016). China’s international roles: challenging or supporting international order? New York, NY [u.a.]: Routledge.
- Paulo, M. (2016). The role of e-Governance in Europe’s image of the Chinese Communist Party. International Communication Gazette, 78(1–2), pp. 39–63. DOI: 10.1177/1748048515618105. Available online.
- Paulo, M (2016). ‘电子治理如何影响欧洲人心目中的中国形象‘ 在门镜,中国与欧盟的相互认知,北京:中国社会科学出版社, 2016年版。Available online.
CEAC Launch event
Did you miss the welcome and launch event of the CEAC?
During the Session I relevant guests from CEAC, RUB, and the European Commission welcomed and introduced the launch of CEAC. During the Session II, outstanding academics shared their views at the roundtable on “EU-Asia Connectivity: Governance, Partnerships, and Priorities”
Ceac in Media
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